REVIVE Church Good Friday, “Red Ribbon” Food drive to assist the St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank in Alexandria.

On average the SVDP Food Bank assists 40 families per week.

You are invited to help the Food Bank assist those in need in our area.
Teams will go door-to-door on the week and weekend preceding Easter, asking if people are interested in participating in the Red Ribbon Food Drive. Those who want to will receive an information letter, a bag to place donation items in, and a red ribbon.

Pick-up of the bag is on Good Friday after 1 PM **

By 1 PM on Good Friday, please tie the included red-ribbon to your front doorknob or to a location visible from the street and place the bag on your front porch, or in a highly visible place for pick up. Please ensure that food items are NOT passed the “best before” date.   In the event of rain you can place your food items in a garbage bag to keep them dry.

We would ask anyone wanting to make a monetary donation to please use a cheque made out to Saint-Vincent de Paul Alexandria. Cash donations will NOT be accepted by the volunteers.

Please do NOT contact the SVDP Foodbank as they do not have the means to deal with the phone calls or the pick-up of donations.   If you need more information, please call.

Jennifer Kunze Auer (613) 362-6388 (English) or Isabelle (613) 266-1847  (French)

Thank you for your interest and for your generosity.