Sunday School

Our Sunday school programs are for all kids that are 12 years old and younger. Volunteers from within our church family give their time to teach the kids.  The adult volunteers are required to have a police check “vulnerable sector check”.

In Sunday school, the kids learn about the love of Jesus.  They also learn how to put into practice what they are learning about at church in everyday situations, whether it be at home, school, or with friends.  The kids are learning through Bible stories, games, and music.

Next Level men’s group

There are two Next Level men’s groups and one women’s group that are currently meeting weekly. The purpose of the meetings is to encourage and build each other up in the Lord. The groups are closed in order to foster trust and depth in the interactions.

If enough people are interested we would consider starting additional groups. Take a moment to watch the video, if you need more information visit their site at or contact the Pastor.

Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry at Revive is open to women aged 18yr-100+.

From September to late May each year the women of Revive meet on Thursday nights from 7-8:30pm to share life, pray and study God’s Word. There is also a second group that meets on Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11am.

The group is attended by both women from Revive and women from other churches. After our “Women’s Night Out” each June (an evening of testimonies, worship and friendship) we take a break for July and August.

Prayer Warriors

The Prayer Warriors of Revive are a group of seniors who are committed to praying for the mission and ministry of Revive: for our youth, our programs, our church family, our leadership, our missionaries and special events. We gather once a month for a meal and to update our prayer list/concerns and to fellowship together.

Congregational Care committee

Purpose and Mission
To assess the needs within the Revive Congregation and to serve appropriately with the love of Jesus. Every person is part of the body of Christ and the whole suffers when part is not well, we therefore seek to guard and protect the honour and function of the body by living out the truth that one person is not more important than another.
As much as possible we will help with needs whether spiritually (in prayer), emotionally (visits, phone calls, encouragement notes) or physically (rides to church, food, extra help for big tasks).

Matthew 22:36-40 (ERV):
He said, “Teacher, which command in the law is the most important?” Jesus answered, “’ Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. ‘This is the first and most important command. And the second command is like the first: ‘Love your neighbour the same as you love yourself.’ All of the law and writings of the prophets take their meaning from these two commands.”
John 13:34-35 (ERV):
“I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other just as I loved you. All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.”

Youth Ministry

Revive has an active youth ministry (ages 13+) that runs through-out the year.  During some seasons our boys and girls meet separately to focus on God’s Word and calling on their lives in specific ways. In other seasons we work through a book of the Bible or relevant ‘spiritual life’ topics together.  Generally, our teens meet every two weeks in one of our leader’s homes.

During summer holidays, Christmas, March Break and PA days there are often activities planned for our teens to also do some social/fun things together to build community.

Care and Share

Care and Share is a “community building” get together where a meal is shared, the Bible is read and discussed, Communion is celebrated, folks share the ups and downs of life together and there is a time of prayer.

Anyone is welcome, young, old and everyone in-between. You can bring a salad, dessert, main dish, or all of the above. a Bible if you have one, if not we have extras. A friend (but not required). It happens every other Saturday after 5, throughout the year at the Fast’s house (David & Cheryl). Email for directions (Check the announcements or email to be sure of which Saturday it is.)

GriefShare groups

Mary and Alex Cumming have led GriefShare groups for the past eight years, helping people to move forward through their journey of grief. Loss is no stranger to them. Both lost a brother – one to a tragic accident, one to cancer. Both have lost both their parents to age. But it was the loss in 2001, of their own son at 16 years old, as a passenger in a car crash, that impacted them the most. Counselling was a vital part of their healing, but it was many years later when they discovered GriefShare and all it had to offer. It was then that they took up the challenge of 2 Cor 1: 3 – 4 (NIV) –“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”

The GriefShare program is a 13-week Bible-based program which is three-pronged in its approach to healing. First, there is the video portion with wise words from many professionals who counsel grieving people every day, each video addressing a different aspect of grief. Second, the workbook, which allows attendees to make notes on the video and review during the week what they heard, as well as work through some Bible readings and questions during the week. Finally, the group itself, where we share and talk about our realities of daily life and our struggles – a safe place to share our innermost thoughts with those we know will “get it”.

Alex and Mary look forward to working with those willing to start on the journey of healing. The group specifically targets those who have lost a loved one through death. Although there are many other types of loss – divorce, pets, jobs or moving and loss of friendships which are all valid – this group is ONLY for those suffering loss through death.

GriefShare will begin sessions this fall – time and place to be announced on the Revive Alexandria website and their Facebook feed. There is a small fee for the workbook, but if you are unable to afford a book, let us know.

All are welcome regardless of religious or non-religious affiliation.